Environmental Consulting Insights,  EEA, Inc                                               .

Feature Article:

Wetlands Creation, Habitat Restoration
Extreme Habitat Makeover: Bronx & Staten Island!


Dear EEA Friend: 

Welcome to our Fall 2005 Issue of Insights.  Everyone is familiar with the buzz words “wetlands creation, restoration and enhancement.”  As many of you already know, the Ecology Division has been busy doing just that for over twenty years, reaching every NYC borough, Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut and beyond.  This issue presents to you two of the current projects happening right here in Bronx County and Richmond County:  The Wildlife Conservation Society is designing a Center for Global Conservation at The Bronx Zoo, scheduled to open Spring 2007.  Enjoy the spectacular view of restored/created wetlands, plants and wildlife with a day trip or two! In addition, we will show you a tidal wetlands creation happening at the Fresh Kills Landfill for the NYC Department of Sanitation.  Link below to the newsletter to learn more about these exciting and rewarding projects.


Members of the Hazardous Materials Division attended the Brownfields 2005 Conference in Denver Colorado from November 2-4th, sponsored by the ISMA (International City/County Management Association) and the U.S. EPA.  This forum focuses on redevelopment, brownfield cleanup and reuse.  Link to Brownfields National Conference for more details.   EEA’s team has been at the forefront of brownfields sites since their designation.  Contact Nicholas Recchia for more information at nrecchia@eeaconsultants.com or call the Garden City Headquarters.

Mr. Sean Martin joins the Hazardous Materials Division after returning from his west coast career in groundwater studies.  Mr. Martin, an earth scientist, says that he missed the New York lifestyle and climate.   Mr. Martin brings experience in underground storage tanks, geological investigations, groundwater monitoring and fisheries studies.  He can be reached at the Garden City office or email at smartin@eeaconsultants.com.

From October 25-27th, members of the Ecology Division attended The Second Regional Workshop on Dredging, Beach Nourishment, and Bird Conservation (Atlantic Coast from Maine to Virginia) sponsored by American Bird Conservancy and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  A summary of the first conference is available at U.S. Army Corps Environmental Laboratory.  Contact Denise Harrington at the Stony Brook office or dharrington@eeaconsultants.com for more details on the second workshop.


Watch for our upcoming Winter Issue which will focus on a topic that everyone will want to read about, particularly with the recent fuel cost escalations.  We will walk you through Alternative Energy Sources that are currently under research & development or improved technology. These sources include fuel cell substations, tidal currents, wind and solar energy.  Stay tuned!

To View our Newsletter Please Link To:

An Electronic Newsletter of EEA's Environmental Consulting Activities

Fall 2005

EEA, Inc.
55 Hilton Avenue
Garden City, New York
(516) 746-4400
(212) 227-3200
(800) 459-5533

with additional New York offices in:
Stony Brook
(631) 751-4600

(518) 861-8586

In North Carolina:

(828) 210-8839

e-mail addresses:

First initial and last name

In keeping with our desire to be environmentally friendly and cost conscious, we are continuing our electronic Newsletter instead of printing and mass mailing to our clients and friends. We will continue sending notices of each new edition. We welcome your e-mail comments on our approach.

Environmental Consulting Insights,  EEA, Inc.